International Voice Dialogue Agreement in English International Voice Dialogue Agreement in English

Voice Dialogue

The following document aims to provide an orientation for Voice Dialogue facilitators and teachers. The knowledge of these guidelines will help clients and students interested in receiving Voice Dialogue facilitations and courses in choosing the people to work with.



In developing Voice Dialogue, Hal and Sidra Stone were looking for an open system, without any hierarchy; therefore, not to certify practitioners was a choice they made very early in the process. Consequently, the method could be applied in combination with other methods and integrated into different disciplines.

As a result, the work has spread, and is leaving its mark in a growing number of fields. To name a few: personal development, psychotherapy, psychiatry, coaching, organizational development, counseling, relationships, conflict resolution, creative and performing arts, meditation, writing, intercultural communication. Voice Dialogue is now - in different degrees of depth - taught in a great variety of educational trainings, including University Master's programs.

The work continues to develop in many countries: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Denmark, England, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Holland, Israel, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Korea, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, USA.



All this is very satisfying, however, there are several drawbacks. Because of the lack of certification and quality control, more and more people offer Voice Dialogue sessions and courses after minimal or outdated training. This causes problems for someone who is looking for an experienced Voice Dialogue facilitator/teacher, and for many committed facilitators who have been involved in the work for years.

So, for clarity and to protect the credibility of the term 'Voice Dialogue facilitator', a need is felt for the establishment of guidelines for maintaining quality criteria. However, we want to be aware of the pitfalls of rigidity, certification and hierarchy. What is important here is to use an Aware Ego process in order to strike a balance between criteria and rules on one side and freedom and creativity on the other.

Another set of opposites is similar but even deeper than these. They are the opposites of form and spirit. With Hal and Sidra, we hope that over the years the spirit of this work will continue to shine through the facilitators and teachers. At its deepest, the development of an Aware Ego Process is a mindful practice - a psycho-spiritual practice. So, in the setting of standards of quality, we are concerned about not killing the soul of the work.

Think Tank

The Think Tank

Over the summer of 2008, a 'Think Tank' developed with the support of Hal and Sidra Stone. This group was formed by:

  • Franca Errani and Giovanni Civita, Italy.
  • Robert Stamboliev and Maria Daniels, Netherland.
  • Geneviève Cailloux and Pierre Cauvin, France.
  • Miriam Dyak, USA.
  • J’aime ona Pangaia, USA.
  • J. Tamar Stone, USA.

In the fall of 2008 at the NY Convergence of International Voice Dialogue Teachers organized by Martha Lou Wolff, these issues were discussed further and suggestions from the Convergence as well as many other senior teachers and facilitators contacted by the IVDA Think Tank were incorporated into this final document.

Criteria for Quality Of
Voice Dialogue Work

What makes Voice Dialogue work effective? What skills are needed to become a Voice Dialogue Facilitator?

The Voice Dialogue Facilitator is well versed in the theory of the Psychology of Selves and knows and understands its different elements: primary and disowned selves, vulnerability and power, instinctive and transpersonal energies, bonding patterns in relationships, dreams, archetypes, energetics and facilitation skills. In addition, the Voice Dialogue facilitator has been in and continues to be in an extensive process by working with these elements, experiencing them deeply and integrating them over time.

The guidelines we will describe here live within a process rather than a stationary condition. They may be developed and polished without limit; on the other hand, they can be lost if one does not continue one's own personal process (even if one is experienced in the work). To become and continue to be a skilled Voice Dialogue Facilitator, it is highly recommended to have an active practice of being facilitated on a regular basis. This supports the facilitator to really surrender to one's own process, and find out, from one's experience of being facilitated, what does and does not actually work. This will also allow the Facilitator to personally experience a wider assortment of inner selves that can later be drawn upon through an Aware Ego process when facilitating someone else.

Because Voice Dialogue work is a process to which each facilitator brings a unique set of skills, talents, and life experiences, there is no hard and fast rule about how long such a developmental process will take. It is our experience that it can generally take between three to five years to become an experienced and transformative Voice Dialogue facilitator, if the person is already experienced with working energetically or psychologically with others. If the person has not yet developed good listening and interpersonal relationship skills, either personally or professionally, the process may very likely take more time.

We have found that the development of the individual process includes the following elements:

Being facilitated regularly in order to:

  • Be aware of one's own primary and disowned selves as an on-going.
  • Work with an ever wider range of selves.
  • Separate from a number of core polarities.
  • Be aware of one's own vulnerability.
  • Have awareness of - and accountability for - one's own bonding patterns in relationships.


  • Contact with one's own body, breath and voice
  • A relationship with the Unconscious through dreams and daydreams, as well as exploring the deeper layers of the archetypal and transpersonal levels of the psyche
  • Experience with energetics - such as being centered, alert, relaxed, aligned - as well as having an ongoing practice in paying attention both to the energy of one's own selves and to the energetic connection (linkage) between oneself and others.

In looking at the skills needed to be a Voice Dialogue Facilitator, we see that these are partly the result of one''s own process of consciousness, and should also have a sound basis in theory and training.

These skills include the following:

  • Being able to assess which clients to accept and which to decline or refer to a competent specialist. This is the first safety mechanism for good practice and is particularly important for those facilitators who are not psychotherapeutically trained.
  • A practiced ability to facilitate from an Aware Ego process, as the premise for a true unconditional acceptance of the client and for holding/modeling the client''s Aware Ego process.
  • A practiced ability to facilitate from an Aware Ego process, as the premise for a true unconditional acceptance of the client and for holding/modeling the client''s Aware Ego process.

The process of becoming a skillful Facilitator is a process of learning, which is not linear, and includes the following steps

1st step

  • Receiving initial and ongoing training in Voice Dialogue theory and practice.
  • Receiving sessions from an experienced facilitator on a regular basis.
  • Observing experienced facilitators doing Voice Dialogue facilitation.
  • Practicing Voice Dialogue facilitation with peers under supervision.

2nd Step

  • Facilitating Voice Dialogue with clients on a regular basis.
  • Making arrangements for an ongoing process that affords objective feedback regarding facilitation and personal process. This arrangement can take many forms.

Being a seasoned, experienced Voice Dialogue facilitator is a developmental process. There will be a moment when the skillful facilitator feels more and more comfortable with the work and has a sense of embodiment, knowledge and skill. Then s/he can work independently, while still maintaining his/her personal process and continuing education in the work.

It is not essential for facilitators to become teachers, but in order to do so, one first has to be committed both to use Voice Dialogue in one's own personal process and to facilitate others. According to our experience the process of becoming a Voice Dialogue teacher includes the following elements and development of skills in addition to those needed for facilitation:

  1. Be an experienced facilitator (at least 3 to 5 years).
  2. Be a teaching assistant in Voice Dialogue training programs.
  3. Practice teaching of parts of a training under supervision.
  4. Have experience and skills in using energetics in groups.
  5. Have didactic and group dynamic skills.
Ethical guide-lines

Ethics refers to the facilitators' and teachers' behavior both with clients, students and also with colleagues. The following are what are considered to be some of the most important values for a Voice Dialogue Facilitator or Teacher:

  • Continuing one's own Voice Dialogue process.
  • Maintaining confidentiality around client's identity, issues, and work
  • Working in accordance with one's own competence and the client's needs.
  • Being clear with the client about the facilitator's professional orientation (such as coaching, counseling, therapy…) and about what the client can expect.
  • Referring clients to specialists if needed*
  • Not using the relationship with the clients or students to one's own advantage or benefit.
  • Respecting the right of the client or student to terminate the relationship at any point.
  • Being aware of one's own limits as a facilitator and referring the client to another facilitator if required.
  • Staying conscious of bonding patterns that may arise between client and facilitator (transference and counter-transference) and taking responsibility for one's participation in the pattern; paying great attention to not getting involved in a romantic or sexual way with a client or current student.
  • Being committed to dealing with any of one's own interpersonal issues amongst colleagues.
  • Respecting the client's former facilitators.
  • Maintaining transparent and clear professional relationships within the Voice Dialogue community.
  • Complying with the laws of one's country and state regarding professional practice guidelines, obligations and limitations (i.e. practicing within scope of license), professional reimbursement and taxes, legal structures for professional practice.

* Voice Dialogue practitioners/teachers, especially those who are without formal training in clinical psychology, need to learn to recognize the warning signals of mental illnesses/disturbances - psychosis, depression, personality disorders, etc. - This knowledge helps Voice Dialogue practitioners/teachers, among other things, to determine when they ought not to work with/train someone but instead refer that person to a competent specialist. In any case, Voice Dialogue cannot be a replacement for medical care.

IVDA guidelines
for Resource

The following points, in line with in the Agreement, to be listed in Resource Directories, are:

  • name
  • name & address of business
  • e-mail and website (direct link)
  • Language(s) spoken
  • Background: qualifications (profession, regular studies, trainings in other methods)
  • Voice Dialogue training: where, when, which teachers, how many hours/days/years
  • Continuing education and/or supervision in Voice Dialogue: list the most recent experience, last supervision, conference, workshop....
  • Personal key-aspects of the work: target group(s), integration with other techniques, short description of practice.

It is expected that members will take responsibility about the information they put on this list and will update it annually. All data should be verifiable.

Contact us:

This document was accomplished through an intensive international cooperation.

Geneviève Cailloux

Geneviève Cailloux



Think Tank member

Pierre Cauvin

Pierre Cauvin



Think Tank member

J aime Ona Pangaia

J'aime Ona Pangaia



Think Tank member


Robert Stamboliev



Think Tank member

J. Tamar Stone

J. Tamar Stone



Think Tank member


Myriam Ladeuze



Website - IVDA team member

Hal and Sidra Stone
about the IVDA Agreement:

'We applaud the tireless effort and the continuing commitment of the original IVDA 'Think Tank' team in spearheading and taking responsibility for the development of these documents. This represents a tremendous effort on their part. We are pleased that they have taken steps to include the cooperation and input of the wider international Voice Dialogue community and we understand that they have done their best to include this additional input.

These efforts have produced excellent results. We feel that these documents maintain the basic spirit of the work - and the underlying psycho-spiritual values that it represents - even as they present criteria to protect the quality of facilitation and teaching. The spirit of the work is protected by the sense of continuing process, the space for the evolution of consciousness (or the expression of the organizing intelligence of the universe), and the avoidance of rigid requirements because each individual's path-and Aware Ego Process-is unique. The commitment to quality and proper safeguards are well represented by the presentation of ethical guidelines and an enumeration of recommendations both for the basic skills and the ongoing process necessary for competent facilitation and teaching.

Hal Stone and Sidra Stone
Albion, September 2009

List of practioners

Below are the names of Voice Dialogue Teachers, Facilitators and Students who agree with the International Voice Dialogue Agreement. This is not a referral list. If you are interested in working with someone on this list, it is your responsibility to inquire about the depth and length of their training and their level of experience. All members of the Associations represented in the list are in agreement with the IVDA.



Gisèle Abécéra (France)
Liselotte Abel (Sweden)
Fernanda Abiuso (Italy)
Youssouf Ahamada (France)
Marco Mura Alberti (Italy)
Marie Albertini-Ratazy (France)
Roberta Amici (Italy)
Daniela Ardenghi (Italy)
Bruno Ardouin (France)
Murray Armstrong (Canada)
Suchadaa Assawaharutai (Thailand)
Association Francophone du Dialogue (France)
Associacion Dialogo de Voces (Spain)
Associazione Voice Dialogue Italia (Italy)
Marcella Aurini (Italy)
Marien Baerveldt (Netherlands)
Enrica Baglioni (Italy)
Joseph Bailey (USA)
Anita Bakker (Netherlands)
Catherine Balazot (France)
Stefano Balestra (Italy)
Eleonora Baratella (Italy)
Marina Bargellini (Italy)
Maurizio Barilli (Italy)
Ana Barner (Australia)
Nicolas Barnier (France)
Robin Barre (USA)
Raphaël Bary (France)
Delphine Batton (France)
Bonnie Beatty (USA)
Sonia Beghini (Italy)
Chiara Bellardi (Italy)
Anastasia Beloshapko (USA)
Patrizia Beltrami (Italy)
Anne-Cécile Benezech (France)
Zohar Berchik (Australia)
Maud Berdal (France)
Ruth Berlin (USA)
Christophe Bernard (France)
Bonnie Bernell (USA)
Donatella Bertagnin (Italy)
Cornelia Bethke (Germany)
Monique Beulink (Netherlands)
Rijk Binnekamp (Netherlands)
Héloïse Blain-Kaltenbach (France)
François Blanchard (France)
Nona Blanchard (USA)
Véronique Blanchard-Heidsieck (France)
Sarah Blatter Gomez (Switzerland)
Sherry Blossom (Canada)
Frédéric Bocquet (France)
Elisabeth Bogaard (Netherlands)
François Boizot (France)
Patrizia Bonaca (Italy)
Artemisia Bonaldi (Italy)
Mauro Bononi (Italy)
Trudy Boonman (Netherlands)
Passaporn Boonyachotima(Dis) (Thailand)
Abel Boor (Netherlands)
Silvana Borile (Italy)
Jean-Bernard Bost (France)
Véronique Bouhafs-Blanchard (France)
Nancy Bragard (France)
Petra Brand (Netherlands)
Nadine Bret-Rouzaut (France)
Karin Brugman (Netherlands)
Hind Brunel (France)
Judith Budde (Netherlands)
Pierfrancesco Bussetti (Italy)
Geneviève Cailloux (France)
Frédéric Calmettes (France)
Elisa Cappelletti (Italy)
Rosella Capra (Italy)
Margherita Capuano (Italy)
Anna Rit Cardelli (Italy)
Letizi Cardoni (Italy)
Valérie Carneiro (France)
Bernard Carrère (France)
Dorsey Cartwright (USA)
Carmela Casciotta (Italy)
Pierre Cauvin (France)
Beatrice Cavallucci (Italy)
Serena Ceccaroni (Italy)
Giancarla Cestaro (Italy)
Somphol Chaisiriroj (Thailand)
Nathalie Champougny (France)
Céline Charlet (France)
Benoit Charron (France)
Xavier Charron (France)
Maëlle Chassart (France)
Emmanuelle Chaulet (France)
Marie-Agnès Chauvin (France)
Catherine Chemière (France)
Stefania Cimatti (Italy)
Giovanni Civita (Italy)
David Clark (USA)
Lorena Colarusso (Canada)
Berry Collewijn (Netherlands)
Stephanie Colony (USA)
Adrien Constancias (France)
John Cooper (USA)
Anna Cope Bridges (Canada)
Rosemarie Cordonier-Theler (Switzerland)
Tatiana Cosci (Italy)
Cassandra Cosme DePree (USA)
Katina Cremona (Greece)
Morena Cremonini (Italy)
Céline Czadja (France)
Jenny Dahlberg (Sweden)
Annie D'Olivera (France)
Mauro Dal Maso (Italy)
Valéxie Dalmon (France)
Maria Daniels (Netherlands, Spain)
Florence de Baleine (France)
Véronique De Casteja (France)
Tiziana De Grandi (Italy)
Eline de Groot (Netherlands)
Margie De Kerkhof (France)
Fausto De Magistris (Italy)
Els De Ruyter (Netherlands)
Frieda de Vries (Netherlands)
Diane De Wailly (France)
Martin de Waziers (Belgium)
Isabelle Debever (France)
Marie-Odile Debièvre (France)
Henriette Deckers-Posthumus Meyjes (Netherlands)
Carole Dehais (France)
Flore Delapalme (France)
Peter Dellensen (Netherlands)
Isabelle Demarcy (France)
Marion Demeneix (China - HK)
Isabelle Demeure (France)
Bridgit Dengel Gaspard (USA)
Sophie Derand (France)
Hélène Dercourt (France)
Inge Dessing (Netherlands)
Gaëlle Devaux (France)
Vincent Devianne (France)
Ines Di Blasi (Italy)
Lucia Di Pietrogiacomo (Italy)
Leslie Dietz (USA)
Mary Disharoon (USA)
Aleth Doat (France)
Ann Dobbertin (USA)
Lyne Dokkes-Naggar (France)
Linda Doornweerd (Netherlands)
LeAnne Dougherty (USA)
Elisabeth Douillet (France)
Elena Dragotto (Italy)
Françoise Dubreuil (France)
Gwenaëlle Ducoudré (France)
Gilles Dufour (France)
Agnès Dulaurent (France)
Laurence Dutoit-Bonte (France)
Niels Smit Duyzentkunst (Netherlands)
Hanneeke Elich (Netherlands)
Marion Elichalt-Roesink (France)
Nessa Elila (USA)
Pierre Eloy (France)
Franca Errani (Italy)
Anne Errécart (France)
Jenna Eyerly (USA)
Pascale Faivre (France)
Annaguya Fanfani (Italy)
Gianluca Fantini (Italy)
Gerhard Fasser (Netherlands)
Sandrine Favre (France)
Alessandra Ferretti (Italy)
Maria Grazia Ferretti (Italy)
Laetitia Ferriole (France)
Giuliana Fili (Italy)
Susan Filley (USA)
Christine Fisette (Belgium)
Framinda Fornoni (Italy)
Anne Frantz (France)
Charlotte Frizon (France)
Nora Fusillo (Argentina)
Thomas Fyot (France)
Manuela Galassi (Italy)
Ellen Galavazi (Netherlands)
Paul Gale-Baker (Australia)
Robin Gale-Baker (Australia)
Isabelle Gallais (France)
Wanda Gallo (Italy)
Marianne Gallon (France)
Gloria Gandini (Italy)
Ora Graviely (Israel)
Deborah Gavron (USA)
Marina Gentile (Italy)
Marie-Noëlle Gibert-Langford (France)
Roberta Giorgetti (Italy)
Madeleine Giovachini (France)
Carla Giovetti (Italy)
Valentina Giraldi (Italy)
Monique Giesen (Netherlands)
Elmer Goudsmit (Luxemburg)
Serge Griffon (France)
Emmanuel Grizaud (France)
Theres Grau (Germany)
Claudio Graziosi (Italy)
Sarah Gregson (Australia)
Christel Grenier (France)
René Grimbergen (Netherlands)
Rob Groeneveld (Netherlands)
Johanna Grosgurin (France)
Daniela Guerrieri (Italy)
Emilie Guibert (France)
Danila Guidi (Italy)
Maud Gussenhoven (Netherlands)
Lou Haguenauer (France)
Philippine Hakkert (Netherlands)
Gautier Hankenne (Belgium)
Gert Haringsma (Netherlands)
Charles Hauser (Italy)
Aude Hauser-Mottier (Switzerland)
Gert Haringsma (Netherlands)
Rich Hawkins (USA)
Raj Hayden (USA)
Hedy Heijting (Netherlands)
Judith Hendin (USA)
Caroline Herault (France)
Elisabeth Herreman (France)
Thomas J. Hester (USA)
Diane Himmel (USA)
Ronald Hochstenbach (Netherlands)
Linda Holtz (Netherlands)
Ria Hopman (Netherlands)
Rien Hordijk (Netherlands)
John Humez (France)
Jolanda Hutte (Netherlands)
Roberta Ianni (Italy)
Fred Ingham (USA)
Viviana Insacco (Italy)
Anna Ivara (USA)
Eric Jacquot (France)
Monica Jal (Spain)
Fabienne Jalocha (Belgium)
Gabrielle Janssen (Netherlands)
Olivier Jannel (France)
Daniel Jaspar (France)
Anne Jaussiomme (France)
Hélène Jeannet (France)
Martine Marleen Jones (Netherlands)
Heather Juergensen (USA)
Jo Kapell (USA)
Pieter Kas (Netherlands)
Kitty Kater (Netherlands)
Gordon Keating (USA)
Florence Kehrer-Bory (Switzerland)
John Kent (United Kingdom)
Ann Kerr-Linden (Canada)
Cassady Kintner (USA)
Amala Klep (Belgium)
Frans Kocken (Sweden)
Annemieke Kodde (Netherlands)
Marie-Danièle Koechlin (France)
Prakarn Kohkayasit (Khung) (Thailand)
Zilla Kooij (Netherlands)
Merlijn Kooyker (Netherlands)
Yolanda Koumidou-Vlesmas (USA)
Jitske Kramer (Netherlands)
Karin Kruisweg (Netherlands)
Claire-Anne Kunzler (Switzerland)
Halima Laamari (France)
Yves Lacomblez (France)
Sara Lacroix (France)
Myriam Ladeuze (Belgium)
Joke Lamers (Netherlands)
Chris Lankwarden (Netherlands)
Drue Larson (USA)
Jacques Laurent (France)
Virginie Lauvaux (Belgium)
Mar Le Breton (France)
Hesther Le Grand (Netherlands)
Pierre Le Mée (France)
Sylvie Lecomte (France)
Lorraine Lee (Singapore)
Véronique Leleu (France)
Anne-Marguerite Lener (France)
BJ Levy (USA)
Marijke Leys (Belgium)
Letje Lindermann (Netherlands)
Philip Ljubicich (USA)
Wout Lombart (Belgium)
Claire Lorton (France)
Guillaume Lorton (France)
Rosalba Losito (Italy)
Emilia Luciano (Italy)
Bruno Luirard (France)
Cinzia Luppi (Italy)
Konrad Magnus (Norway)
Vittoria Mamoli (Italy)
Jennifer Manlowe (USA)
Silvia Mantovani (Italy)
Morena Manzini (Italy)
Catherine Marissiaux (France)
Jérôme Maroni (France)
Frédéric Marquet (France)
Gesualda Mascali (Italy)
Christelle Masson (France)
Pascaline Matusiak (France)
Madeleine Matzer (Netherlands)
Eric Maury (France)
Isabelle Mazur (France)
Marzia Mazzavillani (Italy)
Filomena Mazzuoccolo (Italy)
Cordula Mears-Frei (Germany)
Hillechien Meijer (Netherlands)
Rene Meijer (Netherlands)
Neil Meili (Canada)
Giuseppe Merlino (Italy)
Jane Mery de Montigny (France)
Isabel Meyer (France)
Céline Meyrignac (France)
Yves Michel (France)
Brenda Miller (USA)
Christopher Miller (USA)
Fauso Minesso (Italy)
Anelia Mitova (BulgariaDenmark)
Gloria J. Mog (USA)
Anne-Catherine Molle (Belgium)
Nicola Mongiello (Italy)
Michèle Montagnon (France)
Veerle Moons (Belgium)
Xavier Morlat (France)
Deborah Morris (USA)
Anouk Mossel – Leenen (Netherlands)
Jean Motte (France)
Luce Mottier (France)
Claudine Mousseau (France)
Jennifer Mullen (Australia)
Ray Mullen (Australia)
Sandra Muzzi (Italy)
Andrea Naurath (Germany)
Piero Negri (Italy)
Brooks Newton (USA)
Rod Newton (USA)
Astra Niedra (Australia)
Norbert Nielen (Netherlands)
Lee Ann Nixon (USA)
Guillaume Norton-Blanchard (France)
Chris Nunan (Denmark)
Rosamond Nutting (Australia)
Ruby Ochoa (Mexico)
Donatella Ocovich (Italy)
Adelheid Oesch (Switzerland)
Jos Olgers (Netherlands)
Lina Olteanu (Italy)
J'aime ona Pangaia (USA)
Harriët Ordelman (Netherlands)
Herma Ottevanger (Netherlands)
Janny Padelford (USA)
Alberto Paoletti (Italy)
Nick Papadopoulos (Greece)
Giuseppe Pappalardo (Italy)
Caroline Paris (France)
Giulia Parisi (Italy)
Gerd Parquin (Netherlands)
Elisabetta Parrottino (Italy)
Ugo Patelli (Italy)
Lucia Paulazzo (Italy)
Silvia Pecorari (Italy)
Yves Peigné (France)
Silvia Pelle (Italy)
Alberto Pellegrino (Italy)
Lucas Peltier (France)
Simon Penny (France)
Lietje Perizonius (Netherlands)
Caterina Perna (Italy)
Christèle Perrot (France)
Jocelyne Perrot (France)
Bonnie Pfeiffer-Winkler (USA)
Bianca Pierni (Italy)
Desirée Pieters (Netherlands)
Dominique Pillerel (France)
Teerut Piriyapunyaporn

(Noock) (Thailand)
Patrizia Pisaneschi (Italy)
Isabelle Pitre (Canada)
Peggy Pitwell (Netherlands)
Laura Plessy (France)
Nicolas Pluvinage (France)
Alberto Poda (Italy)
Antoine Poirier (France)
Paola Poluzzi (Italy)
Giancarlo Porta (Italy)
Franck Potié (France)
Laurence Potié (France)
Silvia Pretto (Italy)
Cecile Purcell (Italy)
Debbie Quigley (USA)
Patricia Radcliffe (USA)
Annarita Raffi (Italy)
Mark Raming (USA)
Katjalisa Reiter (Portugal)
Florian Renaudin (France)
David Ricatte (France)
Laura Robuffo (Italy)
Anita Roelands (Netherlands)
Marine Roovers (France)
Cecile Rost (France)
Gabrielle Rotach (Italy)
Camilla Rovelli (Italy)
Paola Rubatta (Italy)
Jodi Rubenstein (USA)
Silvana Ruggi (Italy)
Jésahel Sabatier (France)
Eliana Sabatini (Italy)
Cecilia Sacchi (Italy)
Marie Saint Marc (France)
Isabelle Saint-Macary (France)
Edy Salvadori (Italy)
Liv Dons Samset (Norway)
Giancarla Santini (Switzerland)
Régine Santoni (France)
Sylvie Sarda (France)
Ozlem Sariouglu (Turkey)
Beth Scanzani (USA)
Oliver Schneider (Netherlands)
Silvia Schiano (Italy)
Betty Lutke Schipholt (Netherlands)
Rasmus Schroder (Sweden)
Eelco Schut (Netherlands)
Lionel Schwartzmann (France)
Susan Schwarz Senstad (Norway)
Roberto Seghi Rospigliosi (Italy)
Caroline Serré (Netherlands)
Sujitta Shanokprasith

(Iew) (Thailand)
Trilby Shaw (Netherlands)
Arsenio Siani (Italy)
Yinske Silva (Netherlands)
Haesook Sim (South Korea)
Rocco Simeone (Belgium)
Alice Morgan Simmonds (USA)
Nathalie Simon-Deluca (France)
Aléna Sindilaire (France)
Pierre Smilovici (France)
Sandrine Smilovici (France)
Julie Smircic (USA)
Luisa Sorrentino (Italy)
Chiara Sortino (Italy)
Simona Spisni (Italy)
Robert Stamboliev (Netherlands)
Francesca Starr (USA)
Jacqueline Stet (Netherlands)
Suzel Stiffel (France)
Annie Stoker (United Kingdom)
Judith Tamar Stone (USA)
Cindy Streng (Netherlands)
Sofieke Suidman (Netherlands)
Jo-Tzu (Joyce) Sun (USA)
John Swaner (USA)
Pomg Sathorn Tantiritthisak (Thailand)
Daniele Tarozzi (Italy)
Ludovic Tatoulian (France)
Theresa Taylor (USA)
Ilona ten Boer (Netherlands)
Bruno Thévenin (France)
Carol Thomas (USA)
Catherine Thomé (France)
Christine Thuillat-Lenoir (France)
Pavel Tkachev (Russia)
Neva Tolloi (Italy)
Antonella Tomasso (Italy)
Silvia Claudia Toti (Italy)
Lauren Town (France)
Bernard Tran (France)
Pornpit Treebupachatsakul (Nui) (Thailand)
Daniela Triassi (Italy)
Thanyakamol Tritrakarn (Da) (Thailand)
Auxilia Tromp (Netherlands)
Romuald Troxler (France)
Victor Troyano (France)
Marino Tuveri (France)
Marion Twiesselmann (Belgium)
Jackie Kapua Tyler (USA)
Giusy Ulivieri (Italy)
Brigitte van Ardenne (Netherlands)
Wilco Van Brandenburg (Netherlands)
Lucie Van De Voorde (France)
Yuna van den Adel (Netherlands)
Martine Van Den Bosch (Netherlands)
Freya Van Den Bossche (Belgium)
Silvia van de Werve (Netherlands)
Betty van Diggelen (Netherlands)
Janine van Hees (Netherlands)
Paul van t Veld (Netherlands)
Jasper Van Well (Netherlands)
Bertien Van Woelderen (Netherlands)
Lisa Varkevisser (Netherlands)
Donna Varnau (USA)
Ginetta Vasini (Italy)
Michèle Vayn (France)
Bovorn Veerawatananan (Ick) (Thailand)
Luisella Ventura (Italy)
Isabella Venturi (Italy)
Barbara Veraldi (Italy)
Chantal Verzaux (France)
Paolo Vezzali (Italy)
Federica Vignoli (Italy)
Monica Villa (Italy)
Variwan Vitayathanagorn (Soy) (Thailand)
Voratida Vitayathanagorn (Mameaw) (Thailand)
Salvador Vivas (Spain)
Donatella Volturo (Italy)
Franciska Kali Von Koch (Sweden)
Pornpimon Vonganan (Ju) (Thailand)
Igor Vrebac (Netherlands)
Isabelle Walther (Germany)
Dave Waugh (Canada)
Elease Welch (USA)
Bill Whittier (South Africa)
Sytze Wierda (Netherlands)
Marjon Wijsman-Van Der Vossen (Netherlands)
Jane Winter (USA)
Olwen Wolfe (France)
Yvonne Wolsink (Netherlands)
Marion Wolters (Netherlands)
Catherine Wuillaume Ferris (Netherlands)
Tamara Yates (USA)
Melissa Yeary (USA)
Nancy Yeates (USA)
Nancy Young (USA)
Esther Zahniser (United Kingdom)
Ilaria Zamboni (Italy)
Patrizia Zanaboni (Italy)
Cinzia Zanier (Italy)
Francesca Zanolla (Italy)
Angela Zanotti (Italy)
Lucia Zerbinati (Italy)
Marcus Zeven-Jansen (Netherlands)
Jetske Zijlstra (Netherlands)
Sonia Ziliotto (Italy)
Michael Zimmerman (United Kingdom)
Sabine Zinsberger (Germany)
Monique Zomer (Netherlands)
Luisa Zoni (Italy)
Hilde Zuurman (Netherlands)
Ruud Zuurman (Netherlands)

Last update: November 1st, 2024